ROQC Applications

ROQC native cloud applications interact with multiple platforms such as the OSDU™ Data Platform and the DELFI Digital Platform. Depending on deployment they can also ingest data stored on-premise in file systems and databases.
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ROQC Sync framework consist of various connectors that enables seamless, secure and quality assured transfer of critical data types between interpretation and data platforms

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ROQC LogQA is a cloud native application which uses deterministic and ML (Machine Learning) analysis to rapidly identify and correct substandard or suspect log data. 

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A Global Presence - International Clients

Only when data is current, complete, comprehensive, of high quality, and pervasive will any company be able to realize the full value of information certainty to protect capital, preserve business value and be ahead of the competition. Basing decisions on poor quality, incomplete or outdated information gives less precision, causes uncertainty and delays in the decision-making process, and lowers confidence.

Bjørn ThorsenCEO

How We Make it

We are a team of dedicated subsurface data managers

  • Advisors - ConsultantsWe bring practical experience, strong domain knowledge and best practice workflows and frameworks to help solve business critical issues concerning Subsurface Data Management.
  • MethodologyWe utillize our 4 stage approach as a basis in all client engagements. It consists of elements from Data Mining and Analytics, Task Planning, Work Execution and Subsurface Data Environment Monitoring.
  • Unique toolboxWe are experts in using RoQC Tools plug-ins and applications. With the right skills and powerful tools we will get the job done.

ROQC Sync for the OSDU™ Data Platform

A cloud native application that enables seamless, accelerated and quality assured data transfer of Well Trajectories from EDM™ to the OSDU™ Data Platform.


QA Transfer & Verification

Secure and data quality assured transfer of well-wellbore trajectory data.

Find out more about ROQC Sync


ROQC LogQA is a cloud native application which, depending on deployment, can connect to the OSDU™ Data Platform and DELFI Digital Platform or local format files. It uses deterministic and ML (Machine Learning) analysis to rapidly identify substandard or suspect log data. Using flexible visualisation dashboards for advanced analytics and powerful clean-up workflows.



Access to all entitled data in current OSDU partition


Multiple visualisations e.g.: Confusion plot (ML vs Deterministic) – Overview of data volumes/types – “Live” charts directly linked to clean-up functionality.


Identification of binary duplicates & controlled deletion of duplicates


Curves sent from the grids or from charts. Set up matching criteria (e.g. all values less the 0.0). Run on all the data in the clean-up queue. All changes are made in place in the selected source. View the before and after curves. Rollback any changes you do not like.

Deterministic & ML analysis to rapidly indentify and correct substandard or suspect log curve data

RoQC LogQA provides extremely flexible tools to visualize and efficiently rectify the errors. The user has full control over which curves get fixed, from targeting individual curves in one well, to all curves that the user has access to. A user can realistically target the cleanup of millions of curves – dramatically increasing the quality of the curve data as required for digital oilfield workflows.

Find out more about LogQA

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Jan Willem Achterberg

Solutions Advisor

Laraib Jalil

Solutions Advisor - Project Management

Ronald Jacobsen

Sales & Marketing Manager

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